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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. See above post THAT will answer that question
  2. You Are Mint Iced Tea You are philosophical and balanced. You try to remain cool and collected. You value peace and quiet. You've had a lot of drama go down.. enough to last you a lifetime. You have come to a point in your life where you can accept things as they are. You don't get worked up about what you can't change. You like nothing more than a simple summer afternoon when you don't have a care in the world.
  3. Happy it's Friday & The beginning of a 4 day weekend for me
  4. Like my hubby is awesome for always being such a good homemaker
  5. Sweetie, he never did.. Except maybe for reasons that don't make a 'real' relationship. & Really it's better to know sooner than later if someone wants to leave.
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