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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth


    *cuddles up for some loves & a nap*

    *licks knee*

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with today
  3. Deleting somebody from all my friends lists because he is a lying, shit talking ass hole.
  4. Very sad.. I kinds feel like someone I called brother is dead to Me now.
  5. Don't feel silly.. I get the same way & I'm not even thousands of miles away from Rev.
  6. Hmm.. Have not seen her on-line since yesterday. I'm sure she's OK... Probably just got caught up in doing something.
  7. A little irritated.. But otherwise good.
  8. Rev. Reverence.. He saved Me from Meself
  9. OK.. So Rev is always goin' around sayin' "What's so funny about me?" Most people tell him they don't have time to make a list.. Meself included Soooooo, lets make a list It can be 'funny Ha-Ha', 'funny peculiar', or funny weird' I'll start... The 'goat' dance A privileged few know what I'm talking about
  10. 29 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 12 members, 15 guests, 2 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), LulaLaRose, punk_princess, TheOsakaKoneko, GOTHIKA, Google, Homicidalheathen(+), Rev.Reverence(3), pomba gira, StormKnight(+), Slogo, Ryle Hira, Jordan
  11. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  12. Hello :)

    I hope all is well with you.

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