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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. I just went to the store for snacks & I got Bryers triple chocolate Ice cream, Carmel filled chocolate chip cookies, Mashed potatoes, corn, Salisbury steak w/ Boston Market mac & cheese, & chocolate milk... Time to veg out w/ the boys & gain 5lbs PMS makes me crave weird shit.. I just had to have the Salisbury steak.
  2. Hahaha.. Yes.. That bunny is awesome :}

  3. Now that's some crazy shit, Dude.. & Yeah, we can come "clean house" if you would like
  4. You Are Mystery You are a natural problem solver. You like figuring out the best way to do something. You are very intuitive. You are good at picking up on people's moods and predicting the future. You can't help but being a bit of a detective and a snoop. You always want to know what's going on. And while you may have the scoop on everyone you know, you're not a gossip. You're a pro at keeping secrets.
  5. I don't really think I have lost any more, but I have not been gaining... Still workin' on it
  6. When I Googled happy bunny.. This came up.. It did make Me smile
  7. Spankings for Me?

    What did I do.. Let Me know so I can do it again :}

  8. *snuggles up to the kitty*

    Love you :)

  9. 36 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 18 members, 16 guests, 2 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Google, GOTHIKA, Ask Jeeves, Spook, Raev (3), GothicRavenGoddess(3), t1m3k1ll3r, TheOsakaKoneko, Leland City Club, phee, Rev.Reverence(3), MarsDustDoug, junefun28, Lucia_Woolf, LittleMissLuckyCunt, d:konstruct, PlasticPassion_a2, MSN/Bing, livininxtcgoth, DJ Saint
  10. I miss the fall on face guy.. The one where the smiley gut fell over & went >thud<
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