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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Fantastic despite the heat I should get four days off in a row more often.. It does wonders for Me attitude
  2. Thanks I worked out extra today cuz the gym is air conditioned and Me house is not I figured I would be sweating anyhow.. Why not do it in the cool air.
  3. I want to share my success so far.. & No I'm not really sucking it in I'm so happy with how this is going
  4. AWESOME I love the 4th of July.. BBQ, Pasta Salad, Fireworks, and Scotch
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw
  6. Age limit?? For looking a certain way?? BULL SHIT!!!!! I would hate to hear what this person would say about ME Yeah.. I'm 33 and this is what Me head looks like, on a DAILY basis... Granted, I wear a head wrap at work.. But just to cover the front Oh, & the comment Goths being "nerds hiding under layers of black"... Ummmm, that's what they have pretty much ALWAYS been. So I say... Fuck that age-ist bullshit!! Whether it be against the youngins, or us "old" folks
  7. Perhaps the Britt's did this intentionally 'cuz they are angry with us for having a soccer team
  8. Helloooooooooooooooooo ^_^

  9. Still a single double here... We needs a Lady, soooooooooooon
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