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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Hello, stranger.. I hope all is well w/ you :)

  2. That I would like to leave work now, but at least I'm all done & now all I have to do is wait for my sweetie to come rescue Me
  3. Thanks for making Me smile today my love :)

  4. Thank you sweetie.. You always make Me feel all warm & fuzzy inside :)

  5. 23 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 8 members, 14 guests, 1 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Google, torn asunder(+), StormKnight(+), Azeuron(+), ~Tszura~(2), phee(2), jynxxxedangel, shox spiral, MSN/Bing
  6. You Are Very Patient You are an incredibly patient soul. You rarely get rattled or frustrated. You are willing to let others take their time... even if it means you must wait. You have the makings of a great teacher, parent, or leader. You are able to deal with people's annoyances and quirks. You don't let yourself get angry.
  7. Now that just made my day... We gotta get a group together and dress up to go see it.
  8. 34 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 9 members, 25 guests, 0 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Ryle Hira, Google, Nienna(+), Raev (3), Rev.Reverence(3), Azeuron(+), Reaper, ttogreh, StormKnight(+)
  9. *le sigh* I just wanna go home.. I need a cuddle
  10. 22 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 10 members, 12 guests, 0 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Spook, Google, Raev (3), Azeuron(+), prick(3), Rev.Reverence(3), hunhee(5), ttogreh, scamp, DJ Saint
  11. Q. How do you tell a cow is remarkable?? A. It's out standing in it's field.
  12. Waking up at 2:30am & Not really sleeping well after that... & Forgetting to bring smokes to work.
  13. Yep.. It's morning... Blagh.

  14. I'm thinking that I should have brought cigarettes to work today.. I don't feel well in the brain... I think it's my hormones.
  15. 19 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 11 members, 8 guests, 0 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Google, Rev.Reverence(3), creatureofthenyte, Raev (3), jynxxxedangel, Slogo, Gnarly Quinn, MSN/Bing, DJ Saint, StormKnight(+), Ryle Hira, Azeuron(+)
  16. 16 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 7 members, 9 guests, 0 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Google, Homicidalheathen(+), EvilEve, Killer_kitten, MSN/Bing, Lucia_Woolf, Raev (3), Azeuron(+)
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