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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. I'm thinking of a certain beautiful Lady
  2. The lack of Star Trek technology.. Especially transporters Who is your favorite Comedian??
  3. Entwined.. Lips to lips... Bodies trembling, she stole her sweet lovers heart forever.
  4. Make Rev a sausage & Cheese sandwich...
  5. *sigh* Really good, with a touch longing...
  6. Depressants.. I have an anxiety attack from even too much caffeine Red or white wine??
  7. I'm thinking that I like BBQ Chinese ribs.. Allot
  8. Generally veggie, but I like it w/ meat when ground lamb is used Mashed potatoes.. Drenched in butter, or gravy??
  9. I love when you push buttons just right...


  10. Ooo, that's tough as well... Eyes, you can see more of a person through their eyes... Bacon or peperoni?? On a pizza.
  11. 27 guests, 7 members, 0 anonymous members Oh_My_Goth (+), jynxxxedangel, Yandex.com, Yahoo.com, Google.com, StormKnight (+), prick (3), MSN.com, phee (2), bobmerlin69, motorcitymax
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