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Everything posted by Steven

  1. I like to use the family and social issues thereof as a central starting point......to me everything else trickles off that which we are taught to vaule and nurture. I feel as if we do everything in reverse, we try to tackle issues with theory and systematic responses that only go so far and ignore the root causes of man made greed and lust. Ttogreh made a statment about Americas future economic destiny being rooted in alternative energy sources. I dont think our destiny is rooted in anything but disaster in America. And I think our time has come and gone allready, our super power status suspect, and our ability to re-create ourselves in times of whoa extremely over rated.
  2. the crashing economy the ever growing long arm of big brother the breakdown of the american family unit happy pills coping skills relative truth new viruses and old "conqured" disease epidemics returning to power the war the trend of diassociation politcal correctness
  3. pharoh's new guitar. (and who doesent love cupcakes?)
  4. dangit!!!

    I accidently deleted you Hun Hee!! I know yoru a do gooder!!

  5. double double animal style yo. or even better - animal style Protein Burger...mmmmmmmm God I fucking miss In N Out
  6. eating leftover spicy chinese from last night so I can have soem stank breath at work this morning
  7. could be worse. they coulda taken your pants out of context.
  8. nope. I was thinkin maybe I should fix that one day. ever shot a pinto bean right outteryer nose?
  9. Batman - because I am a walking contradiction. why is 40 better tham 30 better than 20?
  10. you done good today.

  11. recuperating from the WWF wrestling match that was between me and Ollie Dog for bath time (he now smells smells lovely and got a chewy treat for his efforts)
  12. being happy about the PM I received while listening to Olliver trying to get the peanut butter out of the doggie toy .
  13. Long hair is easier to grab onto. whats the first thing that makes you feel "right" abotu a relationship?
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