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Everything posted by thewhiterecluse

  1. Yep definately waiting for the girl who cares about me and not about hustling guys.
  2. Still single, luckily I filtered out this last one before I did anything sexual.
  3. Cooling down from cardio and listening to Rob Zombie, fixing to do weights.
  4. Bleh nothing is more irritating than people who claim to be single but in reality are with one or more people. Then after you have taken them out on a date they decide to tell you. Then they bitch about how they are treated like dirt and then act like they are so in love when the person is around. You do a sweet gesture that shows interest in something more than they claim to be with the one person of the two they are seeing. That's so pathetic and desperate. If they want to be treated like shit more power to them. Wwwhhheewww, take the crazy pills!
  5. It's better to be single and free than enslaved and taken. Of course there are excepts with being taken as long as they arn't controlling
  6. Oh hey! I'm doing pretty good, just been really busy this summer. When did you join? Haha I was surprized you discovered my secret identity.

  7. Boxers with diamond patterns, it's off to bed for me.
  8. I'm from Franklin originally but I lived in Murfreesboro for two years.

  9. I am still single but I'm having lunch with someone who has great potential to be more than friends. I am happy with just being friends though, we do have stuff in common.
  10. Just got off work, time for a good work out and then yoga.
  11. Hello fellow Tennessean ;o)

  12. Just got done working out and doing Kundalini yoga. Now it's time to shower then meditate.
  13. Getting ready eat, shower, then go out with a friend.
  14. Just got home from work, ate, folded clothes, ready to work out.
  15. I would break into a gun shop and then barracade the doors and windows to a Meijers. I would take all the useless crap and just keep piling it up so nothing could get through.
  16. Hey you what's going on?

  17. Just got done working out and fixing to take a bath.
  18. Song: Born Again :Albumn: Holywood :Artist: Marilyn Manson
  19. Eggplant Permesan kicks ass, especially my granmother's she's 100% Italian and does it from scratch .
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