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cron bandia

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About cron bandia

  • Birthday 05/22/1989

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  • Interests
    art, photography, music, love, anarchy
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cron bandia's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. What are you trying to post on your page? lol And eh, I is ok I suppose...thisng could be a whole hell of a lot better though. :( But things are ok. :p And how have you been? And YAY you finally got the piercing. :)

  2. murphy! i was just droppin in to say hi... so HI! *waving frantically*

  3. pssst...i are a'fused.. how do you post on your page... i canst figger it out!?

  4. hey i have been good.. i've been really busy with work... have you scheduled for fall semester yet? OH and i have a new piercing... it's a monoe! i luhvs it!

  5. *poke* how have you been?

  6. The next show is June 28th and yeah if it's ok i'll just come to your place again. :p And eh, my math final is coming up and i'm REALLY worried about it... :( So not very good at the moment...

  7. sratch that last question... i'm starting to get redundant

  8. YOU!!! how have you been? do you remember when the next rocky horror picture show is? and will you be at my house before we go? and how have you been lately?

  9. ...Or post in the first place, in this case.

  10. Hi! Any friend of Michelle'sis a friend of mine...

    Which means I get to nag you to post more, LOL.

  11. Awwwwww...you make me feel loved! lol :p So what have you been up to?

  12. well, i will see you later today, we can doos it all you want and just leave the boys to their own devices (id you know what i mean)


  14. i heart you, you nasty nasty skank... can't wait to tapp that lol

  15. *HUG* YAY you came!!!


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