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About Michiko_Dreads

  • Birthday 04/11/1990

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  • Location
    In Another State of Mind
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Word of Mouth

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  1. Yeah, I just have to avoid my family or I wont be able to enjoy myself when I do come back to visit.

  2. i dont like to post pictures of myself but why not?
  3. hmm this name looks familiar, friend on myspace maybe?

  4. I personally believe in equality. I just dont believe in pointlessly hitting a female. I personally believe an eye for an eye but still I'm considered the fragile flower even when I do fight a man. I have open handed fought with a guy for kicks asking him not to hould back and no hits above the neck and it was fun to surprise him with my power. He struck me less than three times but it was still fun it kind of hurt, literaly I was jumping off the walls and locking him down. If women truly want eqaulity lets get this whole you cant touch me crap out of our heads. Yes violence is a crime and worst against women but there is always the choice of hitting someone over walking away. Its not that there is a lack of class but a lack of respect.
  5. So my husband, a friend and I were leaving the parking structure and my husband is paying the attendant and as soon as we are done my fried rolls down the window, laughs like popeye and sprays the guy with silly string while he was making a phone call.I laughed so hard it hurt and thinking about it now its even funnier.
  6. Is that a kilt???!!! * attempting to peek under*
  7. Sad to say but in our kitchen at the end of the day we throw it all away. Most of our food is still edible when thrown out but there is nothing we can do or the Captain can do about it. So we just give the crew extra food to cut down waste. There are plenty of halfway houses and shelters not too far from here that we can donaste to but unless it becomes an option in Navy policy we cant, *sighs*. We arent "allowed" to take food home through policy but the chain of command hates to waste espeically when we host big events. So we would just our families to come and eat it all. I still feel bad during field day (clean until your fingers bleed dsy) and we through out fresh fruit and veggies. Hopefully things change for the better.
  8. Hi again!!! I'm trying not to stuff theto death but they always come back for seconds..lol! Since I live in California I'm trying to dive into alternative modeling since my command says its okay just don't discredit the navy so Im trying to get ready for that. I want to come to visit in april so hopefully we can all kick back in CC and enjoy the music together.
  9. lol sometimes we do but in port we dont, and it really does take up less space because we use those same ingredients for other food everyday so its in stock and smaller than the 50 loaf boxes we recieve.
  10. Hi everyone. Since I joined the navy and left for boot camp and rate training I've been very busy and out of touch with you guys. I really miss everyone and I miss going to CC and watching a the naughty things go on. I miss this board entirely too much so I'm trying to stop by when I'm online and say hi to everyone, HI EVERYONE!! Since i left michigan I've made a few post here and there. So here is a little update on myself: *Im a US Navy Sailor protecting our individuality and the reality of our alernative lifestyles (how I see my contribution to this nation and my friends & family) *I live in San Diego Ca now. *I am a culinary specialist, I make a lot of food from scratch and barely eat anything at work *sighs* so I strave until I get home. *I am stationed to a ship and its pretty small compared to most, its a destroyer. DDG-100 USS KIDD (not to be confused with the ship you saw on transformers 2, thats actually ddg-88 the preble our sister ship, exactly the same. I worked on there for a bit, not fun) *I like the Navy so far, the military is a bad job in this economic crisis. I dont have any horror stories yet. *The military isnt what its all cracked up to be, extremely laid back for such a "strict" job. * A lot of people in the Navy are fat, it scares me a bit because of all the drills we run what if something happens and they get stuck in a scuttle??? lol (scuttle- basically an escape hatch like this big <-------> around) *If your going to do research on my ship, yes it sank during hurricane katrina and the crew lifted it out of the water with cranes when everyone else ran for thier lives, amazing yes, brave yes, are they spoiled rotten for doing so yes. Save a billion dollar ship and see how the military loves you. *I'm trying to take a vacation back home in april so I'm trying to make it out to CC when I can. Hopefully one my birthday. Well If you guys have any questions or want to tellme updates about your life that would be great to hear and I will check back when I leave the ship 2morro. Your Navy Baby, Michiko_Dreads
  11. WOWWEEEE Pac-man wins. TKO 55 seconds into the last round. Cotto goes down twice before round 9. Pac-Man unloaded an arsenal onto Cotto. Pac-man had speed over Cotto. Pac-Man chases Cotto around the ring. Pac-Man laughs during the 60 sec breaks. I cant say anything other than pac-man has it. Goddddamn no one can say shit to my division. I miss you guys a lot.
  12. So Im in the office watching the fight and it is intense since all my superiors are rooting for Pac-Man. Its even more intense because in my division and my senior just about everyone is filipino. I'm not going to lie Pac-man is killing Cotto and we are currently in round 10. What are your thoughts???
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