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    Detroit, MI
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Troy @ CC

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  1. Yay! Friends! :]

  2. I thought I was on a merry-go-round, but it turned out to be a Ferris wheel...

  3. Simultaneous loanings of Ministry's "Land of Rape & Honey" and Skinny Puppy's "Rabies" some time around 1990, if memory serves. I remember buying "Too Dark Park" on cassette (twice--man it was annoying when those things wore out). In fact, I think I eventually only graduated to buying CDs because stuff like 16 Volt and Frontline Assembly weren't available on cassette. Such a Luddite, I was back then.
  4. Very fun night; I had to leave earlier than I wanted to. Do it again some time?
  5. I wasn't kidding about the "next month" part; book went on sale July 31. Maybe some of you saw an awkward presentation at the recent APOC event...try to forget about that. But the book is available now: Go and find it here. "Ivy Aniram can't afford to make stupid mistakes. A scavenger in a post-apocalyptic America where long-distance travel can be deadly to the few who attempt it, Ivy is a rare commodity--fertile woman untouched by the epidemic "Empty Cradle." When she's ambushed and nearly killed thanks to an offer of trust she shouldn't have extended, the villagers who save her demand a hefty price in return-a baby born of her womb. She may have tumbled out of the frying pan and into the fire. Corey Sanderson, a farmboy who's eager to escape his bleak rural existence at all costs, proves to be Ivy's salvation. She agrees to take him on a treacherous 2,300-mile trek through hostile terrain to deliver a mysterious piece of cargo. For the injured Ivy to complete this nearly impossible task, she's got to trust Corey, but his youthful enthusiasm makes him both an asset and a liability in a world of scarce supplies, determined bandits, equipment-stealing gleaners, and mutated, half-human "biters." The other passengers Ivy takes on-a traveling historian with a mysterious past, a cheerfully abrasive mercenary and her deer-shapeshifter companion-add their own unique complications. Though she's the driver and travel-master, Ivy quickly learns that getting her cargo to its destination isn't going to happen without their help."
  6. Next month. That's about all I have to say. Curious? Peek here.
  7. The topic pretty much says it all. Lexmachine lost her iPhone at CC some time after 2:15 this past Friday. We're not sure if it fell out of its case or was knocked loose on the dance floor, or dropped somewhere in the parking lot. I'm just posting here in case someone found it and would be kind enough to return it. Like most iPhones, it's got a metric shit-ton of business contact info, personal photos and other stuff in it that mean far more to us than its pawnable value. Besides, it's the old iPhone anyway. It is in a black OtterBox hard-sided case. We are hoping that whoever found it will come forward and have not done a serious track on the phone, other than that we know it has been taken from Detroit to Ann Arbor and whoever has it has been using it to surf the Net and play games. To whoever has Lexie's phone: please, please, please do the cool thing and get in touch with us. We've been calling and texting all day, and are willing to come to wherever you are to get it back. Maybe you were going to hand it over to security and forgot, and were planning to bring it to the club tonight? We are trying to assume that you're a decent person and empathize with how much it sucks to lose an important bit of communication technology. To everyone else: Please help boost the signal. If you know who might have found Lex's phone, or can crosspost this message elsewhere, any assistance would be appreciated.
  8. I have two-soon-to-be-three rooms available in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house for rent in Wayne. Some of you have been here before. House is located on a corner lot with an un-fenced yard that has a small raised garden, raspberry bushes and a peach tree. The neighborhood is extremely quiet and safe (I have routinely left extremely expensive cars unlocked on the street overnight and never had an incident in 5 years, knock on wood), and the house is walking distance to elementary and middle schools (Wayne-Westland school district). It's also convenient to Metro Airport, and downtown Wayne, and it's about equidistant from City Club and Necto (20 minutes to either one). The house has central air, hardwood floors, a dishwasher, and gas heat, and the furnace has been recently serviced. Full kitchen and laundry privileges and all utilities are included. Cable/internet is currently extra but can be negotiated. The basement is finished, with a communal living room in addition to the living room upstairs. It's on a corner lot with a large garage (which is currently being used for storage by me, but there is space for bicycles and similar sporting gear; I will be removing the cars from the garage and making it available for tenant vehicles in 3/11). Rent is $375/mo. per room and includes utilities. There is also a two-room basement "suite" that is available for a higher rate; please ask if interested. GLBT/weirdo friendly, but excessive drink/drugs, destructive and disruptive parties are frowned upon. Security deposit is negotiable, bad credit OK, pets OK unless you've got a horse or a llama or something. I would be willing to negotiate a lower rent in exchange for superintendent-type duties as well (cleaning, light maintenance, possibly some painting, etc.). I feel like I've missed something, but can't think of what it could be.
  9. To all who plan to attend--please note that the really cool stuff--the vaudeville show, among others--will probably start "early," for City Club, around 11:30. We're going to hold them back for as long as we can, but the troupe is very eager to go. Arrive at 1 am Gothic Standard Time and you may find that you've missed all of the excitement...
  10. Fun night! Which mix of War on Error was it?
  11. weathering the storm.

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