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Everything posted by earworm

  1. Cool, im interested, kinda hope the kids stay upstairs though as im old
  2. The djing was great, didnt recognize them but they were good.
  3. Went last night it was pretty cool after it ended i ended up at city. Not sure how much i like it at live though i really dug the atmosphere more downstairs.
  4. Danced from sparrows and nightengales to hit me hard my legs stopped working after that, gettin old sucks, hey thanks for playin nin void 6.
  5. I wish i could go as i loved last months pp but im gonna be in chicago. Bad timing on my part. I hope its a success though.
  6. Im going saturday, my friend makes horror movies and i put music to em and he has a booth there to sell them. It should be cool.
  7. I just got back from there, it was great, i havent heard songs like that played in a club for years. I heard the place was open till 4 but the music stopped at 2. Why not just stop serving alchohol at 2 and continue the music till 4? Id much rather go there than city if they did that. I cant wait till they have it upstairs next time. The music was awesome.
  8. WoW what an awesome playlist! Thats the music I've been craving to hear while out but no one plays it not even city. I wish I would have known about it I would definitely had gone.
  9. If i were a cc dj i would replace lady gaga with abbas dancing queen so alot of people here are fortunate that im not a cc dj.
  10. Any newwave/synthpop/industrial/metal/techno from the 80's and early 90's for me. My requests never get played at cc for some reason probably not 4 on the floor enough for the younger crowd, I can understand that I guess.
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