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About Zeromancer

  • Birthday 09/08/1991

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Hazard, Kentucky
  • Interests
    Gaming, Coding, Scripting, Drumming (Currently looking for a new band-.-)
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. xD my so called "current" deck is about 3 years old :\ i have a few cards added from last year when we had a small MTG club at my high shool going on
  2. yea im familiar with it my friends use those cards that's probably what i'll get back in with there are plenty of card shops around here i'm pretty sure they would have them.
  3. I'm thinking of getting back into it, i have two decks both comprised of nothing but reds. I have one which my uncle gave me when he became "too mature" to play and its a deck from the early 90's alot of rare cards :D sadly i doubt the MTG rules will let me use them anymore :[ but my newer deck i keep updated even though I rarely play anymore I just don't have the time since I began work this summer
  4. I'll definatly help out when i get my 25+ posts <.< Almost there! ^.^ I know alot of people who would be interested around here
  5. I used to be really big into Magic, there used to be region tournaments in and around my hometown but then they converted to Yu-Gi-Oh which is an "okay" game. and again they converted to Guitar Hero and rock band tournaments which I love better, Rock band is my game with drums ^.^ 98% Run To The Hills expert on drums :3!
  6. A song that describes my mood huh,, 36 Crazyfists- The Heart and the Shape Just went through your eyes, and the battle was fine. Couldn’t stand to see you screaming heart. Now I realize that I might have been part of the reason for your frowning heart. And so I grey the heart and the shape, that look that you gave, staring. At empty help me back to awake. And so I grey the heart and the shape. Now the bottle plays a little factor. Not the way I used to be, thankfully. I was discussing a different matter, now I engage in everything, infinity... Help me back to awake. There were sentences with no direction, those are pieces that I put away. There is sadness in the reflection, one long look is all that it takes.
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