Good points, all. Here's how I see it, for whatever it's worth: If someone consumes a legal drug like alcohol and as a result of their impairment, causes the injury or death of another, they're punished. I would assunme the same thing would apply to any newly-decriminalized drug. I'm definitely not in favor of criminalizing something because a small percentage of people make poor choices.
I apply the same sort of thinking to doing drugs in public places, at work, while driving, selling to minors, and purchasing with "food stamps". We have laws and restrictions regarding alcohol and cigarettes with regard to these situations, and I see no reason why the same thing wouldn't apply to marijuana, peyote, etc. I've never been in favor of having absolutely no restrictions on drug use, but I do think that decriminalization, ending the ridiculous restrictions on the lives of responsible adults, has to happen if we are to have the kind of free and open society intended by this nation's founders.
The only problem I have with this is the unconstitutionality of maintaining a standing army on U.S. soil. Substitute "military" with "civil authorities" abiding by Constitutional law, and I'll support it. I hope I'm not missing your point.