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Everything posted by Nightgaunt

  1. To light brushfires of liberty in the minds of men.

  2. I'm in the mood for a Working.

  3. Wouldn't miss it. Bringing fishy goodness.

  4. If we developed cheap fusion power tomorrow, molecular nanotechnology would be within our reach, rendering the whole question moot. You're sorry, are you? Really? Sorry about what? I don't understand...why do the words "Trans Texas Corridor" lead you to disregard everything else I said? Was that your way of denying that it exists? Prove me wrong, but please don't hit me with smarmy, snide dismissals and expect me to slink away and concede defeat.
  5. Perusing my bookshelves this evening, I stumbled on Phil Hine's little chapbook Aspects of Evocation. Rereading it, I was struck by how well the information within has held up these last 20 years or so. As a public service, I present this link to Mr. Hine's website. It hasn't been updated since '05, but all of his publications are available in PDF form for free download. Lots of other super cool chaos magick resources are hiding (hinding?) out there, waiting to be rediscovered. Bon apetit!
  6. There's PLENTY of oil to be had. There are enormous oil fields in Alaska, Texas, and elsewhere that have been capped off and never exploited. We have more oil in the United States than in all of the Middle East. My problem with all this goes deeper than just what's on the surface of the article. The vast tracts of land bordering the impending "Trans Texas Corridor" are supposed to be given over to "nature" and stewardship given to the United Nations. No human is going to be allowed to set foot on this land. Ever. If we allow it to happen, that is. Which we will, of course, because no one bothers to find out what's going on in this country beyond listening to 3 second soundbites doled out by the media. You know...the media owned by the same asshats that write books advocating the extermination of 90% of the world's population. Yeah. Har har har. Lookit the conspiracy theorist. Google me this: eugenics + planned parenthood eugenics + rockefeller eugenics + gates foundation bilderberg + genocide rockefeller + genocide Or better yet, educate yourself concerning the basics of how Nazi Germany evolved and then take a look around you. Can you believe everything you read online? Of course not. Use your powers of discernment. At least attempt to take a look behind the curtain of propaganda and flowery lies. Bad things are happening, and it's not "climate change", or Michael Jackson dying, or any of the other diversionary tactics being used against us. We are being herded into a world government abattoir run by inbred psychopaths. Maybe they'll let us take our iPods into the showers with us.
  7. At least we have a functional means to communicate in the meantime. Count thy blessings.
  8. This is how the most recently added topic read in the sidebar:

    "Detroit police beef up patrols, after four teens are raped by jynxxxedangel"

  9. As fine and grand a proposal as anyone could hope for.

    She said, "Yes."


  10. What does "returning the land to nature" mean? Who will own the land? Can the land be sold after "turning it over"? Can the land ever be built on again, if the economy recovers? Or is this an excuse to crowd everyone into cities for easier gun confiscation, quarantines, etc.? I just get nervous when I see the kinds of things that guys like Rockfeller, Brzezinski, and Kissinger advocate being implemented. Sounds nice and ecogreenearthfriendly on the surface, but I don't trust it.
  11. "I'll never be able to ask her `why?'" the dead child thought sadly.
  12. Well, let this be a lesson to you, then. You'd better get your ass over to Hot Topic tout de suite. Y'know, 'cause that's where the goth stuff is.
  13. Tszura and I will be there and I'll bring that broiled tilapia thing I've been known to make...
  14. This was the best night out of my life! Thank you to everyone for all the help and well-wishes. Hunhee: Even though you weren't there, this whole proposal thing would've been nigh impossible without your help. You really came through when all seemed lost. A thousand thank yous! You're just awesome! (and well-connected ) Fin: You went above and beyond to ensure that everything went smoothly. Thank you, my friend, and thank you for introducing the love of my life to DGN! Calix & Spook: Thank you both for coming out even though you hadn't planned to and for smuggling in the light show! Nienna: Thank you for your help in the last-minute "re-planning" and for your support on the big night. Darque Metallion: What can I say? You introduced me to Tszura a year ago this month and I'm forever in your debt for that. You've been a true friend and I can't thank you enough for coming out. Here's to many more years of friendship! Void6: Thanks for putting up with the frenzied texting and helping me out. Jon Noble: Many, many thanks for taking the time to work with me and for taking care of the music! Gimp: Thank you sir, for helping to spread the word and rally the staff and unwashed masses. Troy, Reaper, Gothkytten, Stymie, Liz, Bean Water, Enishi, Darkchylde, Osaka, and Harold: Thank you all for sharing in this extraordinary night! I apologize profusely if I missed anyone...the night was kind of a whirl for me. If anyone got pressed into service without my knowledge, please let me know so that I can thank you properly. I'm grateful to have friends like all of you... *sniff* **Edited because, yeah, I forgot someone.
  15. Welcome aboard. Aaaaar.

  16. Since everything exists at a single point in space/time, (contrary to what our limited perception tells us) then God could be said to wear pants, but by the same token, the pants are wearing God.
  17. Abney Park The Orb The Mr. T Experience Tom Waits KiLa Tilt Tom Jones
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