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Everything posted by Nightgaunt

  1. Okay, let's clarify a little here. My cut-offs are cut off at the knee.
  2. Carl's imagination took him to places no other three toed sloth had gone.
  3. That's why the website and community exist: to help you develop the discipline! I've been trying to get this thing written since 2006...
  4. November is National Novel Writing month. There is a yearly competition at http://www.nanowrimo.org designed to get you to stop procrastinating and start writing. You "win" by being disciplined and completing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. This is the first year that it looks like I'll actually be able to participate and I wanted to get the word out to anyone here that might be interested. The Detroit regional kick-off party is at Woody's in Royal Oak on October 31st at noon. Check out the site! If enough of us participate, we can start our own "write-in" group. Here's my profile page: http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/180794
  5. I think it says something about how much the average American has been dumbed down to the point that people would confuse the two products.
  6. Whew. I spent Sunday recovering from Saturday night. People kept buying us drinks and it would've been the height of rudeness not to accept them, right? Right? As a result, I got a little (and by "a little", I mean "a lot") more inebriated than usual. When that happens, my mouth disconnects from my brain and I tend to make very little sense, so I apologize if I confused anyone. It was wonderful to see everyone again, but I don't remember a lot of what was discussed. Most likely, I did some ranting about suppressed time travel technologies and government corruption. If you have any amusing stories about me, feel free to not tell anyone... ;P
  7. I have two printers. One is an Epson CX7400 and the other is a Lexmark P6250. They both work, as far as I know, but will probably need a little cleaning up. They're yours, if you want 'em. The Salvation Army won't take them, but I hate to just throw them away. Alas, I can't have them hanging around the house, so if you want them, contact me by Wednesday, October 7th (garbage day).
  8. BTW...you can sign up to be notified when the bulk of the pics are up at http://wedding.blazing-ape.com
  9. It made my black and twisted heart sing to see everyone together in one place, celebrating with us. Seriously, we consider ourselves blessed and honored to be able to count so many kind, creative, and dynamic souls as our friends. And you looked FABULOUS! Jynxie and Stymie went above and beyond the call of duty with all their help in pulling off this celebration and with their most excellent speeches. Thankyouthankyouthankyou! We love you both!! Rev and OMG, what can I possibly say that hasn't been said a thousand times already? You guys rocked that ceremony inside out. The first time we talked about getting hitched, we said that it would have to be you two. No one else could have really understood our feelings and crafted a ceremony to reflect them like you. You're an awesome family and we're proud and honored that it was you who made us street legal. My parents came into this with some trepidation; they didn't know what to expect with a gothic-themed wedding and had some strange ideas about black clothing amounting to Satanism. Afterward, they couldn't stop commenting on how wonderful, interesting, and friendly you all were. Way to represent! We said from the beginning that we wanted this to not just be about Josie and I, but a time for everyone to come together and enjoy the day, to renew old friendships, and to forge new ones. We hope we accomplished that. Thanks, everyone, again for making it out, and we'll see you at CC on 10/10...
  10. loves you.

    1. TheGimp



  11. ***INCREDIBLY*** busy. :) How's about you?

  12. A tragic demonstration of brazen insubordination, by indigenous insurgents, belligerents, degenerates. Imagine my bewilderment at the conspicuous dismemberment of all that I had believed, at how we have all been deceived. It was short, sharp, sudden, surprising. Short, sharp, sudden... It was unfathomable catastrophe. There were things no one should ever see. Arrests were made arbitrarily, evacuations made mandatory, indefinite detentions, unsolvable killings, weeks and weeks of agonizing raids, relentless, unexplained physical attacks, gout, goiters, plague, anthrax, new and unconventional threats, simultaneously secretive & violent events. Oh what have they done? There's no fun to a draconian crackdown. And what will you do when they come for you in the draconian crackdown? Yes sir, I say no sir and then... Yes sir, I say no sir again. Something's wrong, oh very, very wrong here - the chaotic nature of the soured atmosphere. We have found ourselves participants in their nightmare. I took the blame, the hatred, then with certainty I said, "I now declare a state of emergency with immediate effect indefinitely." I lurked, I plotted and I planned, from here - a fearful, vicious, secret no-man's-land. Oh what have they done? There's no fun to a draconian crackdown. And what will you do when they come for you in the draconian crackdown?
  13. I didn't realize I was in the presence of the infamous Eevee yesterday...Chris used your real name... :)

  14. Let's put that statement in perspective. This is the 30th annual Renaissance Festival and I remember attending the 1st annual Renaissance Festival.
  15. My question was, "How did Congress decide that $700,000,000,000 in "banker bailout" money was exactly what was needed to get the economy back on track? (ha ha) The answer, according to the New York Times:
  16. This guy is awesome. I particularly liked the way he said, "thank you," in that throaty whisper.
  17. This'll definitely be a weekday afternoon thing. My evenings and weekends are booked solid through, like, 2023.
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