Pretty good, did better on a test than expected. It seems to really help when I feel good about the class and professor in general.
Also feeling sick of driving however. I'm starting to hate cars.
I'd say the last 30-40 years (97 years if you include the creation of the Federal Reserve), although the effects have only just now started to become fully apparent.
I'm feeling like it gets harder and harder to actually sit down and do homework as the years go by.
In my previous past life I probably lived in a low-stress tribe in the tropics wherein I spent most of my time eating coconuts, telling stories and relaxing on the beach. Sigh.
Ditto on the cancellation of "Firefly"
The author for the Sword of Truth series inserting his objectivist views more and more as the series went on. Incredibly annoying.
Same goes for Orson Scott Card as well with his own novels.
I'm feeling like I need to keep my PS3 in storage for the next couple months, or at the very least until I get through massive piles of homework and other projects I've been putting off. :\
I'm feeling like I would be ok with my college judo class if I didn't have to do leaping rolls over 3 people. O.o I've never had particularly good physical coordination and it's not something I feel confident doing.