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Everything posted by Enishi

  1. At this very moment I'm reading an article entitled "Liberalism and the Common Good: A Hayekian Perspective on Communitarianism"
  2. I've been playing Mother 3 off and on. I'll be getting Resident Evil 5 in march.
  3. I just noticed that there's just enough room between my bed and the wall for me to squeeze in and cozy up against the register. There's barely enough room to hold my computer and type, but I actually feel toasty warm for a change.
  4. Getting ready for work and fighting my sugar/starch cravings. Good thing no one in my family made any french toast today, I'd have succumbed by now, lol...
  5. Flipped out. I'm going low-carb again for awhile, and I'm getting really strong sugar/starch cravings. The smell of freshly baked garlic bread down in our kitchen is DRIVING ME INSANE. GRRRR......
  6. Watching an old kids adventure/epic fantasy on youtube called the The Odyssey.
  7. Chilled from having shoveled snow outside just a moment ago.
  8. I'm feeling tired, a little lonely, and annoyed. I keep trying to run spyware and virus removal programs to get rid of the crap which is slowing my computer down, but they insist on freezing up...
  9. I'm feeling much better than I did earlier, getting some fresh air outside seems to have helped. I still feel very bone weary though...
  10. Getting ready to go to the bank...
  11. Dang it I haven't eaten anything yet today due to being sick, and now you had to go and make my mouth water! *Runs downstairs* COOOOKKIIIIIIESSSSS!
  12. Blargh. I feel awful. My stomach is throbbing, my entire body is sore and bone weary, and I feel exhausted. I made myself throw up earlier and discovered that apparently, even after 12 hours, much of the cabbage I eat hadn't even been digested. Looks like someone's suggestion that the food combination I ate last night was a bad idea came true. Hopefully I'll feel better soon...
  13. I'd be crushing on her as well if it weren't for the poo, lol.
  14. Busy. Getting some school stuff squared away, checking up on TEFL jobs and CLEP exams...
  15. I had a fun time meeting you on new years :).

  16. Every since late last night, I've been feeling depressed, lonely and alienated from everything. Not sure why...
  17. Pleasantly surprised. I just got off the phone with my friend who lives over in Seattle. I've missed him for awhile and it was nice to finally have a good conversation with him again.
  18. Hmm...the oil guy already finished. Here we go again out into the cold....my poor ears...
  19. Pleasantly surprised that I was able to find a place open where I can get my oil changed. Also thinking that I need a better winter coat, I felt very chilled during the 7 minute walk back to my house...
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