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Everything posted by Raev

  1. It's all I can spare for this topic. A nervous laugh. I work with a guy like that, swears up and down that the earth is only 5,000 years old and insists anyone who doesn't agree with him is an ignorant heathen. Le-sigh.
  2. Raev

    when and where doll

  3. Raev

    You have no idea ;)

  4. oh man, I didn't even notice the tattood sideburns!
  5. Raev

    Well, I have a hatchet and a shovel... *cackles*

  6. I think we need a new word for that guy. Tool just isn't insulting enough.
  7. A few points I'd like to make. First, this thread had no mention of a funeral nor job loss. So what does that have to do with age discrimination or content of this thread? You previously mentioned that discrimination occurs on this board. I've not seen it but that does not mean it hasn't happened. So please enlighten me. Where did this occur? You mentioned the ambiguous "other people". Whom are these other people or shall the comment be discounted as hearsay? Rev made an attempt to display that he was jesting in his initial commentary, hence the Now let's play nice ladies and gents
  8. Hmm. I'm a unmarried male in my 30s and have yet to feel as if I'm being discriminated against because of age or marital status here.
  9. Somewhere, someone out there loves this song. Just not on this side of the keyboard.
  10. I have strong feelings because of my uncle. He is a repeat offender molester who turned rapist. When he was only doing molestation, I was one of his victims. I put him away the first time, when I nearly died in oakwook hospital in 5th grade. He's been locked up for it twice since then, that's with the kids he got caught with. He used his own preteen son as bait for some of his victims, drugging his son and sons friends. When he was last released, he told a few people "Next time, there won't be anyone to testify". A scary threat but legally nothing can be done about it. He served his time. My answer? See the top of this thread.
  11. Ok, so here is the deal. I spend most of my life in pain. My back and neck usually. I don't trust chiropractors and am afraid to walk into a massage parlor, because I don't know which ones are legit and which ones aren't. I only want legit, ya know? I need to find someone I can trust who can help my back out. Anyone around here need a customer, or know someone who is good?
  12. I have a Bro on this board who has a swastika tattoo for damn near the same reason. It's been the cause of many a hostile conversation.
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