Life is beautiful.
Be the best ladies and gentlemen you can be.
Remember to lend a hand when you can, to those familiar and unknown to you.
You never know how much a smile may mean to someone.
Sometimes, a smile can be just enough to get someone through their day.
Always take time to laugh and sing.
Skip when you can, whistle often, smile more.
Smell the roses.
Stare at the clouds and daydream.
Tell those that you love that you love them often.
Never go to bed angry.
Remember that each time you see somebody, it may very well be the last time.
Don't miss the opportunity to cherish them.
Never take friendship or love for granted.
Those are more meaningful than any trinket in the world.
Your house will not hold you when you are sad.
Your car will not bring you soup when you are ill.
Your jewelry will not help you clean your wounds.
Your television will not celebrate with you when you are happy.
Your loved ones and friends will.
Never forget this.
Do your best to keep your word whenever it is given.
All we truly ever own is our name and our word.
Hold both sacred.
Don't take yourself too seriously.
Life is beautiful.
Even in my dark hours of life – and I had many, I always found a reason to laugh each day.
Do the same.
Love each other.
Cherish each other.
Try to see the other persons side during a disagreement.
Never be too proud to say 'I'm sorry' when you have done wrong.
Forgive those that you can, as you would like to be forgiven.
We are all just human, in the end.
No petty disagreement is worth the loss of a dear friend or loved one.
Sometimes it's hard but then again – more often than not it's great.
Don't let the occasional frustration or hardship cause you to lose sight of the big picture, of the love and friendship held for each other.