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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Insert suggestive yet witty perverse reply here.
  2. ohai, lady I don't know.

  3. I thinks I haz a crush on Ryle Hira's profile.
  4. For those downriver - PM me if you need transportation.
  5. Thanks Cher. T'was a delightful time!

  6. The moment something begins to define me in the eyes of others, it's time to change it.
  7. I'll do me best to be there. Sans mohawk (it's gone now).
  8. Icy, you show that once again - you are wise beyond your few years.
  9. Who is the current Cupid? I have a few ideas....
  10. You have a private message, sir. Maybe I should take over as cupid haha
  11. I can test the waters, see if she is receptive.
  12. I'm pimping the event. Use facebook at all for it?

  13. Extremely not single. Lucky yes, single no.
  14. All settled in now?

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