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Everything posted by Raev

  1. I don't think she's announced it yet (I don't think the when is known yet, so hard to say) but I'm almost certain a major update will be done soon, so there may be some QOL enhancements.
  2. For what it's worth: Banned persons looking to return will be reviewed by mods and Tron and a decision will be made on a case by case basis. We recognize that in the past not all rules and judgements were levied fairly nor equally. So, no blanket statement can be made other than we will look at each request as fairly as humanly possible and Tron will make the decision.
  3. I started loitering here originally just for events and music conversations, before I ever made an account. I lurked for a good long time. I had some laughs and made some friends here, it's friends that kept me coming back
  4. I nudged her a few weeks ago to come see. As for @Ice Queen we've been in contact with her all along, but don't forsee her returning
  5. There was a bar in Windsor that tried emo nights, kind of a hail Mary to save themselves. It didn't save the bar.
  6. Funny thing. I used to lean conservative. The longer I spend in management, reading p&l statements, setting annual budgets, and reviewing gross profit margins the more left I lean, on a corporate level. As a person who has become more empathetic as I've aged I've shifted MUCH further left in the last 15 years. Part of that is also driven by living outside of the USA for a decade and experiencing the differences first hand.
  7. Glad you enjoyed! Next time say hello, I'm easy to spot!
  8. Since he's slacking.... Yummy Ok, give Cooper and Roger my best. Happy to see you around again my friend
  9. Getting ready to see Spamalot with my wife, our friend Mel, and @Msterbeau
  10. Geeze, you guys sure know how to suck the fun out of a frivolous, light hearted, pervy joke fest of a thread lol
  11. Ok, so just three levels. Gotcha. Let's just say I am intimately familiar with the internal workings of Freemasonry
  12. Welcome to the Dirty Old Man Harassment Thread, how can we service you?
  13. I'm not sure if I just read a flirt or not, but either way...*popcorn*
  14. 1) I met a lot of people through here who I developed real friendships with 2) More substance and fewer advertisements than social media 3) The sources of frustration here are gone
  15. I mean, I would have been like 32 posting in this thread. Dirty old man is a state of mind!
  16. I forget the exact phrasing but I remember an interview about all that. She said something along the lines of "I didn't sink my career, I sank the millionare record executive people who wanted to buy a vacation house". I respect the stance
  17. Making a superfluous post for no reason other than having one more than @Destroit this week
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