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Everything posted by Raev

  1. The article So-called teenage “Romeos” convicted of having consensual sex with their girlfriends would no longer be listed on the state’s large sex offender registry under legislation signed into law this morning by Gov. Rick Snyder. About 45,000 offenders are listed on the 15-year-old registry, among them an unknown number of teenagers convicted of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree, or statutory rape. The legislation, sponsored by Sens. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, and Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair, says that certain violations -- sodomy, gross indecency or CSC with a minor -- would not be listed offenses if the victim was least 13 years old but younger than 16, and if the violator was not more than four years older. The bills allow Michigan to avoid losses in federal funding, a penalty for states that fail to comply with a federal effort to have uniform sex offender registry standards. “These changes make sure the registry is used to better identify and protect the public from dangerous predators,” Snyder said while exempting those “who should be living their lives and don’t pose a risk to the public.” Jones said, “we’re narrowing the list to make it tougher on the child predator, but were fixing the Romeo and Juliet problem. Typically, 17-year-old boy, 15-year-old girl in high school, boyfriend-girlfriend, it’s still illegal but they will never again be on the sex offender list.” Those on the list now who fall under that category will be able to petition the court after the July 1 effective date of the law to have their name removed. “If you’re on that list as a young man, you can’t get in the Army, you can’t get a good job,” Jones said. Contact Peter Luke at (517) 487-8888 ext. 235 or e-mail him at pluke@boothmichigan.com.
  2. I love those boots. So much that it didn't even dawn on me Saturday night to look up your dress while I was holding your foot in my hand!
  3. Raev

    Michi! Must I come up to your work and torment you again? Get back here!

  4. Amongst other things.

  5. Not only Democrats snicker at Faux News. I'm proudly conservative and I almost wet myself with laughter at their idiocy. That being said....the last panel is epic. Nobody expected it! Where did it come from? The Spanish Inquisition!
  6. Looks like a standard pair of nose piercings, with around a 14 gauge septum spike in them.
  7. You are coming back from Hawaii. I think you will survive.
  8. None of us expected to live. None of my clique of friends growing up. Between the gang wars, drug addictions and random acts of violence - we all accepted that we would be dead by 18 before we even reached high school. None of us even graduated, because we were so sure that we'd just be another body in the streets that school was a waste of time. Some of us were right. The rest of us, have been scrambling to build something of our lives and forget the world we came from.
  9. My Guinness sister! We talk pretty openly about everything so no secrets.
  10. Met Onyx for the first time. I too have now completed my pokemod collection. LMLC ambushed me. I approved. Many Eevee hugs. Always a good thing, I may dai without Eevee hugs. I think it should go without saying that I saw Siren there. Same with Storm. Had a tense moment with a few of the hipsters. One of those nose to nose, fists clenched moments. I decided to make their night miserable after one of them ran Eevee off of the dance floor and kept slamming into people and laughing about it. Figures that when an angry protective rivet head steps up about it, they would turn into kittens and leave a few minutes later. :(
  11. Talent I've caught combicrap once and it was terrible. I also don't bitch about their being no shows. If someone else likes them, outstanding. I hope they have a wonderful time and its everything they hope for in a show. I just find no pleasure in their music at all and never have. So, ew. Ill pass.
  12. I'll mourn for you next time I am at The Pier. Seriously, we need to get a beer.
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