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Everything posted by Raev

  1. lol I really didn't expect it to turn out this way. Y'all still surprise me sometimes! :D
  2. Appreciation as - mods appreciate the community? Community appreciates having so many people to party with? We appreciate Eevees butt? Any of those work for me :D As for Chernobyls house, I'd be ok with that.
  3. PS- Please, keep this civil and mind the PNP of dgn. We've seen before things get a little nasty over admission based on age at some venues. We've seen things like "fuck that place, everyone there sucks" when 3/4 of the community has been there at some point. I don't want to see anything like that in this thread.
  4. DGN appreciation night 1 and 2 were both held at City, as LCC wanted to thank DGN for its contributions to the community. We are now getting zero cooperation from City for throwing a third. So, let's start a dialogue about where we as a community would like to do this. Let's hear some ideas, some thoughts. This is the DGN mod staff throwing an appreciation night for you. Where do YOU think we should hold this? Please tell us why, too.
  5. *hugs* Thank you my friend.

  6. Raev

    We be good! :)

    We should hang sometime! :D

  7. Each neighborhood in the D is like it's own little city, with it's own environment and rules. Even when those of us from the D itself (as opposed to being from metro area), when we talk it's always "I'm from the D over in suchandsuch hood.
  8. She posts like twice a year but is a badass oldschool goth chick that I've known 13 or so years.
  9. Just an FYI- I am getting 0 cooperation from City about another appreciation night.
  10. I iz a bass player but nothing on the 'net. :(
  11. It's a very understandable one. I'd check the pulse of any guy who didn't agree.
  12. Game, set, match. Back in the day, I remember having this conversation (about 17 years ago) and the answer was the same then too.
  13. Ask Siouxsie Sioux. Nothing new there. Goes back decades. As for crushes - I still crush on *Siren*
  14. Blood Freak feels like "consentual non-consent". It's taboo. It's dirty. It's so wrong to the rest of the world...but...it's sooo good...
  15. Last year, this was friggin awesome. I fully intend on making this the part2 of my day! (Can't make it part1 this year, my family needs each other in a bad way right now. I'll be with fam for part1)
  16. I don't think this sick feeling in my belly is ever going to go away.
  17. Having to go carry my 23 year old cousins casket into the church in a few hours. Not being able to shake how he looked in the hospital when he died. Wishing I could go back to when I last saw him alive, 2 hours before he was killed and make him stay home.
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