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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Sounds like last Saturdays breakfast.... ...I iz so going to wtfpwn you all! Muahahahaha!
  2. Ya know, I never really paid attention to those...hrm...time to see what I can do with mine!
  3. Contact your local mod staff representative. Which generally is whichever you feel like. Or click the report button and be like "omg, can you please kill this thread for me for X reason?" That is, if you really want the thread killed.
  4. I love movie nights. I am a bit of a movie snob, admittedly. I'll sit and dissect every part of a movie I enjoy or dislike. The plot, story arc, character development, cinematography, score, acting, props, sets...everything lol. Aaaanyway...I'd drag *Siren* off to a movie night if there was advance notice.
  5. My opinion of music rarely jives with the majority. What I want to hear is rarely what people want to dance to.
  6. /frustrated mod hat on There is a thread for talking about what you want to hear. Feel free to start a new thread with club suggestions. Also feel free to keep this thread on topic now. /frustrated mod hat off.
  7. No, I am going to. This is an aftermath thread. Either keep it on topic or take it to a different thread. If there isn't one for what you want to talk about, make one. Thank you.
  8. Hrm....how long you in town for? If not long, I might actually have to show up and give a proper hello...to yourself and your boyfriend. Shake the hand of a traveling man and all.
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