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Everything posted by Raev

  1. That's why I had to type it. It's not something you can hear.

  2. She's got a point, mate. We really don't know who you are! Join in on some conversations, get to know some people, strike up conversations with the DGNers in your area. We really are a talkative lot.
  3. Bro, you leave and I will track you down and plant a boot in yer butt! Hit us up and let us know when you are back in town.
  4. Raev


    I confess that I have a bit of a violence fetish. I confess that I am still occasionally bitter that my own military experience went the way it did.
  5. Raev

    hey no peeking!

  6. The summer do (cut some inches off of the mohawk)... ...and a pic of one of my best friends eva and I <3 She's teh win.
  7. You two look like you have so much fun together, Lillylu! :D
  8. I wondered where my V vanished to. My phone is always on to you, my door always open. Vent away. Question away. I'm always here for you, my friend. Responding to your PM now.
  9. People and their collections are quite interesting. So I am curious, what do the various members of DGN collect - and why? Personally, I collect clocks. As to why...well...that will get a long rambling answer when I'm not half asleep
  10. Because dangerous people aren't just dangerous from 9-5 and sometimes the element of surprise is a valuable tool?
  11. You must show, Eevee! I only haz gotten enough life saving hugs to last me until then!
  12. Met her in 98. Gawd, she's amazing...
  13. Having lived in SW Detroit from 1979-2001 - growing up in that city...I can say the word of the Detroit Police Department hasn't been worth a damn in my entire lifetime. It's a sad state of affairs when law abiding individuals are still more afraid of their police department than they are the street gangs and crack heads. I could ramble for hours on the sins committed on the populous at the hands of the DPD.
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