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Everything posted by Raev

  1. First- Horray, another Libertarian! Second - I heart Ron Paul. Just thought I'd share for a moment.
  2. Moderator failure. We are supposed to make sure everyone gets an official welcome. I apologize if you did not receive yours. Once my computer is back up and running and I don't have to do this via blackberry, I'll do my best to make sure that never happens again.
  3. I <3 you for that, Kat(even if your gender on here is set to male)! It made me giggle for multiple reasons!
  4. Raev


    I confess that I still think Torn Asunder is a pretty good guy.
  5. ....thinking about it, didn't City try to do a Sunday thing about a decade ago or so?
  6. For me personally, neither. Sundays I generally reserve for recovering from Saturday night and I already go out enough during the week. Mondays and Wednesdays are my nights during the week to head out. Just my situation though. Well, that and I have 0 interest in going to City on a night other than Friday nights anyway.
  7. Each time I've been to Necto, I've not had anyone be rude to me. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a social butterfly but I had a great time each visit.
  8. Visions just booked a show there for July 17th. Super excited
  9. I have now restored the topic. The post with the content causing the flag has been removed.
  10. Pleasurekitten has always been pretty request friendly. I don't think I've ever requested a song from the others.
  11. I just want to take a moment and say- I do have much love for the Detroit area DJs spinning at our clubs and events. You guys stay on top of music, try to keep the masses dancing, invest a lot of time and money into your trade and what do you get in return? Criticism. Well, I want to take a moment and say - thanks for doing what you can to keep us dancing and hearing new shit.
  12. After hearing just how many sound issues there were that night, I am retracting my comments. I'll go somewhere to see BMM again and give them a fair listen on a issue-free sound system. I won't hold a bad sound system against a band. It really can have a huge impact on how it comes across to the audience. I'll comment again after I see them again
  13. To paraphrase something I overheard on History Channel a while back... "The usable part of the road is in the middle. Too far right or left and all you do is end up in the gutter."
  14. Pleasurekitten has always been very request friendly, she speaks the truth. She is made of equal parts awesome and win.
  15. I don't see one or the other being better or worse. Bashing something very personal and important in a persons life is terrible. Even NOT believing is a personal and important part of somebodies life. I am disgusted no matter which way it goes. Religious bashing atheists irritates me. Atheists bashing religious irritates me. Religious bashing religious irritates me.
  16. Shouting the word "fuck" over and over, on top of an Atari beat badly done does not make a good song. Just sayin.
  17. I had a real good time. I saw Saint a few times through the night, that man looked like he was having a ball! Btw, anyone else think that opening band was lame?
  18. Last night, getting laid at the Covenant concert
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