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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Does anyone here go to the Industrial is not Dead nights at Small's? I used to know almost all of the DGN folk. Anyone who has signed up in the last 4-5 years though, I don't. Come say hello at one of them, first drink is on me.
  2. Bumping this. Showing love to the fallen. May they never be forgotten. Ours is a small scene, every one of these is a terrible blow.
  3. This is still like porn to me. God, I'm icky.
  4. Last night at Small's for OhGr, a few of us were sitting at a table between bands just talking. Chernobyl/Destroit walks up and plops down and in her awesome way asks, "What the fuck is this, a moderator meeting?". We all looked at each other and realized that holy hell, at one time or another every one of us sitting at the table talking as friends was a mod here at one time or another. Funny, how that works.
  5. Torn, my homie, you ain't got any skin in my being mia for so long. I just don't internet much anymore. -oldschool DGNer.
  6. Two day abdominal doms?! Add in a side of two day hamstring and erector spinae doms?!? Ugh.
  7. Today begins my programs "deload week". 4 training days of training light, to give the central nervous system time to recover, give muscles/joints/ligaments/connective tissue time to heal and repair....then I add more weight to the bar and start the cycle over again!
  8. This is true. Joey is the eternal pessimist - but he's one that doesn't start trouble and calls things as he sees it without being an asshole about it. I like having the Deadcat around.
  9. yesterday was deadlifts until failure, incline situps while holding weights and glute bridges - for SI joint stabilization. Today is stretch and recover day.
  10. Working an inventory report at work. Maybe after moar coffee.
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