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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Teachers with a sense of humor?! Can't say I've met one of those before!
  2. Good lord man, I'm aging fast enough as it is! Don't do that to me!
  3. Industrial music by design pushes the envelope into different things. It evolves and expands over the decades, as it should. While there are a lot of subgenres of industrial music these days, it is still industrial. While it has always been a fringe style, it was a little more popular I believe when there were charismatic quasi-industrial acts that were nearly mainstream, such as Nine Inch Nails. Currently neither Goth nor Industrial music has anyone of that nature. Some would say that is a good thing, because there is less "pop-dustrial" and "pop-goth", while others may argue that it is a bad thing because there aren't any more mainstream acts enticing anyone over to the dark side. Nothing being played on the radio or MTV to cause someone to say "hey, that was different and pretty damn cool, let me explore that...".
  4. It will probably be next Monday when I make it out there...though...I still haven't ruled today out. I could use some Noire Sky time.
  5. I will be coming out of my cave very soon to visit. I really had a great freaking time each time I've been there. Now that it's on Monday it's easier for me to pull off. Drinks, anyone?
  6. Cremate me and scatter me. I don't want to burden anyone with feeling like they have to visit my grave or else they are a bad "insert relationship pertaining to me here" or the burden of having to clean it off. Furthermore, I don't want to become one of those graves where nobody even knows who it was anymore. Just a name on a stone and nothing more. Scatter me. When those who cared forget to tell tale of me, when they forget me themselves - I want no trace left behind.
  7. Like my ex wife is trying to stress me out to the point of heart attack.
  8. Thanks for posting this. I had actually forgotten about this event. I think I'll attend at some point.
  9. DJ Saint informed me of the following....
  10. I'm looking forward to Grendel and Detroit Diesel myself. Ill end up with all of the above though.
  11. Metropolis Records has the new album from Wumpscut "Women and Satan First" available for preorder! From what I've heard off of this one so far, I am cautiously hopeful. Some of it is different for Rudy but its overall enjoyable. Ill write a full review once its released officially.
  13. I'd offer to give lapdances to female donaters - but that would scare them all away.
  14. It was an amazing night! Riku, thank you again for being a fucking hero last night!
  15. Side note - I really do LOVE these nights. They make me really scrutinize my musical collection and revisit artists and albums that I have forgotten about. It's quite fun to try and prep for.
  16. February 3th, 2012 come and join us for a night of debauched music and good times when the talented and very lovely DJ Pleasurekitten and DJ Aaron Hingst are joined by that lucky bastard Raev for the second installment if LUST night at Leland City Club! We will be on decks all night long spinning dark and sultry requests for your listening and dancing pleasure! Say "LUST" at the door for Free Admission before Midnight! (Yes, the flier lists Nemesis...but due to circumstances beyond her control she is unable to attend) Flier by Tyger Greenleaf. Model Poe Besant
  17. AH, CC. I remember when I first started working there back in the 90s I spent my first few months on parking lot duty (back when there was an entrance across the street from the parking garage that's now long since torn down). My second weekend there, I had someone pull a gun on me in the parking lot. A month later, I was actually shot at. My maglite was hit, that's how close I came to being gunned down there. About 3 months in, had to crack a guy in the skull with my new maglite when he pulled a knife on me for telling him he had to move his car - he was blocking up the lot. It doesn't matter where you are, at some point - SOMEBODY is going to be stupid and EVERY place that sells booze has had something unfortunate happen. Side note - the first time I had a gun pulled on me in the lot...I deserved it.
  18. While I have my concerns about a Friday night event, I'd attend a time or three to check it out. I'd even help out where I can (I want to see our scene grow) and try to do a guest spot in their booth (I'm a shameless self promoting whore).
  19. It's only Saturday mate, gives you all of Sunday to recover for Mondays work day!
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