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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Nobody fits in around us. Everybody does. That's the beauty of the scene.
  2. Wear whatever you are comfortable in. If you wanna dress up, go for it. If not, that works too.
  3. I haz never met the Icy one face to face.
  4. I know some of the things I've said in days past...
  5. Don't be shy. You'd be surprised what people say to Mz. Icy.
  6. Raev

    Scuba diving

    Where did you take your classes at? I'm personally in love with the place in Lincoln Park, The Scuba Center
  7. Raev

    Scuba diving

    If it's dry, you are doing it wrong *ducks*
  8. Raev

    Scuba diving

    Whatever requires SCUBA. I intend to do a Detroit River dive next summer (I don't want to mess with the spring current) and am doing some diving in the Gulf of Mexico in a few days.
  9. Raev

    Scuba diving

    I'm working on getting my international open water certification completed. Intend on going until I'm certified as a rescue diver. Where did you dive at?
  10. Raev

    Scuba diving

    Any divers here? Know of any good dive spots? What got you into it? I want to talk to other divers!
  11. Yes, I could see it being warranted as well Rev in that circumstance. If the man handing down the sentence is dirty, then it would warrant an examination of any case that has the possibility of being tainted - in the name of being fair and just.
  12. False evidence and testimony, in those cases I am all for retrials and whatnot. If it's strictly a skin color thing - I'm against it. Very much. I'm against anything that has to do with being treated differently because of race, religion etc. To the point that I turned down a free ride in college based on my own racial makeup. I refuse to benefit from something, when I didn't suffer any ill effects from it.
  13. You'd be surprised how many of us don't fit into the "goth" stereotype. I'd say, the majority of us.
  14. Well, after about 10 minutes of "thumbing" through their headlines on their web site I couldn't find anything about releasing convicted criminals just because of the color of their skin.
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