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Everything posted by Raev

  1. Raev

    Is that really blood or just a damn good makeup job?

  2. Life is beautiful. I have coffee, I have a job, I have food. What is there to complain about? Yourself, gorgeous?

  3. Haha, I really didn't think you'd use "Girl with tail" when you signed up. Hah.

  4. From time to time, I am part of the hiring process here at work. If I had an application come across from someone who sued their school, I'd advise against the hiring on the grounds that I don't want an employee to file a frivolous lawsuit the first time something happens at work that she doesn't like.
  5. That sucks! I hope you rewrite it! Always nice to see a new face 'round here!

  6. Damn, there are some gems of one liners in this old thread.
  7. Hope there is never jail for yew!

  8. Bit of an oldies streak there at the end eh, Kitten?
  9. How is my friend, today?

  10. Raev

    I absolutely love that bloodfaced picture.

    Just thought I'd share.

  11. Personally, flying is mine. Seriously, I have panic attacks driving past the airport along 94. I'm trying to rationalize myself out of the fear since I'm flying to Florida in 3 weeks. :eep Dwelling and obsessing on my fear and sense of impending doom got me thinking though - what scares who? We all have a fear....
  12. Sent it yesterday.

  13. Source, CIA website This puts the united states at #50 for life expectancy in the world. Bosnia has a higher life expectancy. World Health Organizations website This puts the United States at #37 when last ranking health systems. NationMasters listing of expenditure per person for health care This database lists the United States as spending the most. So, for the most money spent we are #50 in longest living and #37 for health care systems? Creatureofthenyte, your statement that is far from the truth. We should be ashamed of ourselves as a country.
  14. The chick that does my hair for me (my mohawk expert) is hosting this. She's fucking awesome person and the music isn't bad if ya dig punk. Posting this for her. I'll probably be there.
  15. I think that has something to do with the browser. At work I was having that issue until I updated the browser. I don't have the issue at home and never did.
  16. I'll stand up to a bully and tell him what for (note - the denotes an attempt to use humor). ttogreh as a fyi - when I posted my statement about peacocking, it wasn't aimed at you or anyone else in particular. So please don't take it as such. The reason I replied to your post specifically after that is because you are the only one who replied to the peacocking comment. I don't know if you felt that I was gunning at you specifically in my original comment or not, I just wanted to clarify that I was speaking in a generalization. Now, if another Mod or Troy feels that it was unwarranted I'll reopen this topic but at this time I've decided to lock it. As a bystander it appears that this thread is beyond the point of "free exchange of ideas" and friendly conversation. In the name of maintaining a "play nice" policy that is the standard of the DGN, I'm defusing this powder keg. <3
  17. Now, I fully believe that you are capable of intellectual evolution but you are just as guilty of peacockery as the other side is. Case in point, the quoted post. At this point of the conversation all I am seeing is various links being thrown up instead of anybody stating their case clearly then citing their references. I've seen good, valid and intelligent posts from everyone in this thread here and in other areas. Just hoping to see more of that here and less "Here is a link with no real input from me nor discussion of what is said herein"
  18. It's starting to feel like there is a higher degree of peacocking here, than there is friendly exchange of ideas or discussion of topic.
  19. I'm going off of memory but isn't marijuana listed as an illegal substance because of it's classification by the FDA and not act of congress?
  20. Welcome aboard the board!

  21. So, as a few people know - I'm on a path to pursue doing arson investigation for a living. Unfortunately, most investigators that are hired have actual firefighting experience. With that in mind, I've been working toward getting all my certifications in order as well as the degree in fire science I'll need to do the investigations. In about 2 years, I'll be taking my test for physical condition...right after I have my degree finished. Starting Monday my PT begins, so that in two years I'll be able to go into that test already knowing I can put a 350lb man on my shoulders with ease and be able to do a 3 mile run. I'm wondering if anyone in my general area is also looking to push themselves physically as far as they can go. I could use a partner to help push me to my limits and expand them. Anyone?
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