My rifle experience was a collection of bad ideas.
12 years old, was I.
Rifle, bigger and meaner than I.
Adult supervision? 2 drunk uncles.
Scope on rifle.
Butt placement? Under my arm, in the armpit. (I had never seen a gun fired in my life at this point)
So I look under the scope, using iron sights because my drunk giggling uncles said the scope was off.
Placed butt of the rifle under my arm. I didn't know better and wasn't corrected.
Squeezed the trigger - rifle jumped back - scope caught the side of my nose and broke it. Walked around for 2 weeks with a black ring around my eye on top of the broken nose.
Thing is Reaper, they have to prove his guilt. Though it at times may seem like it isn't the case, we still do operate on "innocent until proven guilty" line. Legally speaking, he very well may have a case. Does it make him less of a douchebag? No. Does he have a case? Possibly.
So, I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one afflicted with this problem.
Some images remind me of certain scents and vice versa. Not always for the best either.
Case in point. A handful of years ago a woman I was trying to hook up with sent me a text message that was a little graphic. It was also very very nice. Alas, I was at work at the time and pulling into a waste management yard. So at about the time I was seeing the picture, I was also getting hit with the stench of rotting garbage.
Fast forward a little bit of time. I take her home. Get her undressed, see her body and *POW* the sight triggers the memory of that stench. Not only could I not perform that night - I never could with her. Every time i saw her after that I was hit by the memory of the trashyard.
This kind of stuff happens to me all the time, too. Scents remind me vividly of things as well.
Does this happen to everyone or am I just cursed? lol
Added an actual poll, to get something official going.
That which has the highest number of votes in a week or so, I'll get with other mods to get set up
Just about anything submitted seriously either in PM or posted got listed.
I'd fight it if I were him, too.
If he admits fault, it opens up the door for insurance companies, individuals and the state to come after him or his insurance company to recoup losses.
If he can find a way to get out of it, it makes it harder for civil cases to be made against him.
Strategically speaking, I'd fight it too.
Having a wee bit of experience in the legal system *cough*
smells like a lawyer is guiding this tool.
Go raibh tú daibhir i mí-áidh
Agus saibhir i mbeannachtaí
Go mall ag déanamh namhaid, go luath a déanamh carad,
Ach saibhir nó daibhir, go mall nó go luath,
Nach raibh ach áthas agat
Ón lá seo amach
Sláinte chuig na fír, agus go mairfidh na mna go deo
Happy birthday.