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Raev last won the day on January 27 2024

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About Raev

  • Birthday 06/14/1979

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  1. There's a lot I could say here, but, I won't. Just that the order didn't come from me, I had requested it not happen, and something transpired while I was on stage...but I'm talking to the venue about it.
  2. I'll go if you go* *I need a few weeks heads up
  3. Life has not been good lately. Mentally I am unwell of late. It will pass, I'll recover, but I need to voice the struggle
  4. A bit deflated. Over the years I've had to let people go. It's part of being a manager. Having to let someone go who did nothing wrong, well, that demoralized me. I sat there. Recited the HR text. I watched a good person crumble in front of me. I saw their heart break. Their life come undone in front of my eyes - with no fault of their own. Just a victim of corporate restructuring. I don't want this anymore.
  5. I intend to OD on something strong, but not in my house. I don't want my wife to be the one who finds me. I don't partake in opiates of any kind. Hell I don't even smoke weed. I'm close to straight edge so it shouldn't take much. I'll even be kind enough to make sure I'm found my medics and not the public. I'll tell 911 where I am and what I am doing as I do it.
  6. How the hell did you even find this to necro it? It had to have been buried away under years of dust and debris! It went what, 13 years without a post? I think this predated me being a mod here as well.
  7. Funny enough after I started djing I kept this thought. Sure I'll play the big hits and classics but tastes and styles changed and I make sure to play new stuff every night as well
  8. For Hollywood types, there is Eva Green and then there is everyone else
  9. You can get pictures of the Head of State (which is currently HRM Charles Rex) for free through official channels. For the most part Canadians are widely indifferent toward the Monarchy. There are some who are strongly pro, some strongly con, but the majority seem to give it a resounding "meh". The Monarch has limited authority in Canada. Provinces hold more individual power than States do, and Provinces have more control in their day to day than the Canadian Federal Gov't does.
  10. I do! Of all the things to see in our house that's the thing that gets the most questions and I find it hilarious. I find Queen Elizabeth to be a fascinating figurehead who had lived an interesting life, and though the role of the Monarchy is primarily ceremonial with Parliament stripping the Monarchy of all real power generations ago, she still helped bring the institution into modern day better than I think anyone else could have. With the limitations placed on her and the institution by both British and Commonwealth law I believe she did more net good than bad in this world. When I received my citizenship in Canada, because HRM Elizabeth Regina was the ceremonial head of state and the figurehead that is the focus of Canadian citizenship my wife thought it would be hilarious to give me a picture of the Queen. I agreed it was hilarious and hung the picture and giggle every time someone looks at it with a look of confusion on their face.
  11. True story. @Bean2.0 and Eternal make it out often. So do a good handful of others known to this forum
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