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Emily Darke

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    I'm banned for endlessly breaking the rules. Be sure you understand the rules before you post.
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  1. Lol ohhh ok I see. Ya being in the water for awhile tends to make ya sleepy. Hopefully ya came prepared with some sun lotion.

  2. No, I went skiing with relatives that came from Texas to visit. I'm so sunburnt.... and sore.... and sleepy

  3. Oh your in texas right now?

  4. I'd prefer it... but I'm going with some relatives from Texas that leave later tonight.

  5. I see. Well, hope you have fun. For me it be too cold to go swimming in the lake right now, I preffer it if its oer 80 degrees outside.

  6. My one truly ridiculous (so I've been told) requirement... must have a german/jew heritage. I love nazi hebrew heritage.... it does amazing things for a man's looks and personality. Hurrah for confused, bipolar, chaotic and headache-giving individuals in my life!
  7. Well now it's I who have just awaken. I'm going waterskiing this foggy cold day and rather excited about it. lol if you wear a bathing suit in shitty weather it still makes you goth-acceptable =P

  8. Pretty good, just woke up. Yourself?

  9. The animals said it was called Death. And the humans laughed maniacally.
  10. Hyperballad-by Bjork just finished though. So now.... Black Sweat- Prince
  11. The only person to stick up for me when I didn't like anime.... which hardly compares to skin the moon would be envious of and eyes that cleopatra would wilt before. lol speaking of the anime thing.... I actually like some anime AHAHAHAHHA! I'm inconsistent and I hope everyone realizes that the majority of things I say on here is absolute bullshit for my own entertainment.
  12. Uh... I take it you all know eachother. Has very pretty eyes for a man, not just the color but the shape as well.
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