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f0rged last won the day on June 8 2013

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About f0rged

  • Birthday 01/18/1984

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  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
  • Location
    Hazel Park
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  1. Steam Powered Giraffe is not usually my taste of music, but I am obsessed with them lately. <3!
  2. I'm good! Been MIA for a long time, missing it a bit. I'm gonna try to make it to City tonight. Hoping to see some of my old friends that I don't get to talk to much anymore. And you've got it. No one knows what you have to deal with except yourself. People like to talk shit about others because it makes them feel better about themselves. So you keep on being yourself and to hell with everyone else!
  3. Kat, we haven't talked in a few years, and I don't think we talked much when we were on here before, but I'd just like to say you rock. Fuck everybody else and what they think.
  4. Howdy, Howdy...Good Morning and Happy Birthday :)

  5. There is some paperwork on the house stating that it's owned by the government. Its listed on ZIllow.com, but as "Not for sale" even though there is a for sale sign up on the site. So we don't know if it's just stuck in paperwork or what. I also can't find it on the "HUDstore." I wish I was more outgoing so I could just call these people, but I have to work myself up in order to call. I'm such an awkward penguin...ARGH
  6. Hmmm....I'd would say right now either... or..
  7. So I've recently transfered from a Starbucks located 3 miles from my house to one that's a 30-45 minute commute. It was my choice to move locations, based on issues I was having at my old store. But the drive from home is definately going to be an issue. Michael and I have talked about moving in together for a while, and we even found a home that we are already in love with. It's a HUD home though, and neither of us have really any knowledge on what they are or how we could go about getting it. I've never had to deal with getting a loan or a mortgage or anything real estate related, and I want to have some idea of what I'm delving into. So my question is; What advice can you give me on being prepared? Who should I contact? Should I apply for a loan through my credit union? What makes a HUD home different from regular homes? I'm so lost...
  8. Some pretzel and cheddar Goldfish. YUM!
  9. smiley face alert :)

  10. Drinking boxed wine and reading Daughter Of The Blood for the dozenth time.
  11. I'm alive! Just a bit poorer for having today off. I needed that money. I'm transfering stores in a couple weeks (YAY!!!) And I want to start looking for a place out near where I'll be.
  12. Very annoyed. The storm last night knocked out power to my work, so I'm missing out on my holiday pay. And apparently the storm knocked out Tmobile in my area. At least I'm assuming so since my phone has no signal at all. argh.
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