The World Steam Expo will be held May 27 through May 30,
2011 at the Hyatt Regency Dearborn at Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn
is located in the west suburbs of Detroit and is quickly accessible from M-39,
the Southfield Freeway. Remember, attendees traveling from outside the United States are now required to bring a passport or enhanced drivers' license to enter the country. Parking at the Hyatt is free and plentiful.
At-Con Registration
At-Con Registration Prices
Four-day registration: $50
Friday or Monday registration: $20
Saturday or Sunday registration: $30
One day pass to Greenfield Village and Henry Ford: $35 (Optional)
Masquerade Ball: $20 per person, $30 per couple
Only cash is accepted for at-con registration. Sorry, no two-day registrations are issued.