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Everything posted by XillaToxic

  1. I am planning 2 b-day party's ( i am having 2 in case some ppl can't make one or the other.. but if you can make both awesome ^_^) THIS SATURDAY (DEC 4TH) @ City and for my actual birthday Monday Dec 6th @ necto.. the theme for the 6th "a Zydrate party! hope to see you ppl out and about this sat and Monday ^_^ ~Xilla
  2. finding a ride to Dimmu borgir tonight as well to city
  3. when will this headache go away.. i gotta get some rest.. cuz i gotta work early tomorrow.. woo hoo
  4. <--doesn't mind being single.. though i kind of do miss the cuddling and stuff.. oh well
  5. i don't even know who i have on a crush on anymore.. let alone who has a crush on me.. YAY FOR BEING IN A WEIRD STATE OF LIFE..WOOOOOOOOO HOOOO
  6. <----is single.. and has been now for almost a month
  7. a friend of mine is in a not so go situation and needs a place to live.. he can afford 300-400 a month.. if anyone knows of someone who is looking for a roommate let me know asap!! thanks
  8. miss you 2 lady! let me know if your going to be at ren fair this year.. i work there.. just wont be there next saturday.. i will be back up at city after ren fair..!

  9. if i didn't have to be up at 8am i would so be there.. hopefully soon i can come back out.. looking like it won't be till october though :(
  10. <--- is no longer single.. and enjoying every moment of it...
  11. i will be there .. with friends and a newbie~ mwhahah..
  12. will you be at city tonight?

  13. besides having a slight sore throat which i got a shit tone of legal herbal meds for.. lol and fighting this monstrous migraine.. which is finally calming down.. i am doing ok.. deffiantly looking forward to seeing a certain someone tomorrow as well as my friends this weekend ^_^
  14. was good seeing you this weekend ^_^

  15. being kidnapped in a good way by peelingchrome and staying at manfest for the rest of the weekend
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