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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. If she's still doing this at this place, she won again!
  2. chuck's arms too short to box with God! Angelina Jolie vs. Megan Fox?
  3. Hedwig & the Angry Inch one night only! Friday, June 11 at the Crofoot $10 adv., $15 day of show. 18+ show.
  4. I keep telling myself that, at some point, I'm going to start an Industrial band/project with a classically trained female vocalist. Just have to meet one. and find a space to rehearse. and a bunch of other things.
  5. fools and their money...I fully support Kwame's attempt to fleece the gullible.
  6. it seems to come and go...I know that Clutch Cargo's and the Royal Oak Music Theater have them.
  7. good thing those people weren't at the Gogol Bordello show tonight. They would've started a fucking riot.
  8. it was an April evening when we were asked to say hello welcome Cher's friend to DGN how could we say no?
  9. it was about three bi guys suing because they were disqualified from the Gay World Series for...well, being bi. see if this link works. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/bisexual-men-claim-discrimination-from-gay-world-series-042110
  10. Gogol Bordello & Devotchka. tonight. Royal Oak Music Theater. think I'm going. :D
  11. HBO to start airing "minisodes" as a lead-in to the new season. more below: http://io9.com/5520964/the-wait-for-true-blood-just-got-a-bit-shorter-with-new-minisodes
  12. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/bi-guys-claim-discrimination-from-gay-world-series thoughts?
  13. *bump* Dow Jones index closed at 11,117 today. Up about 3,600 points from its low point in early 2009. Place whatever worth on that you want. Job growth is still painfully slow, however.
  14. the icemen cometh: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-04-19-sherpas-everest-clean_N.htm
  15. sorry for the double post...but Blacklist is awesome!
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