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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. update: http://io9.com/5504592/the-smurfs-bring-out-the-big-guns-to-make-us-care-about-their-movie
  2. Jim. even back in the day, Charlie was too lazy to actually do anything much. Gen. Patton or Gen. MacArthur?
  3. just a reminder to get on it if you haven't already.
  4. E.T. ...and if he didn't win, he'd just phone his homies to come down and help out. Jeffrey Dahmer vs. Henry Lee Lucas?
  5. I've been listening to this song over and over for the last 2 hours:
  6. Bill Clinton. he's like 6'4" and a decade younger Lady MacBeth or Lady Chatterly?
  7. Cosby; Pryor was a little guy. Robert Smith vs. Andrew Eldritch?
  8. Gaahl. Sarah Palin vs. Michelle Bachmann?
  9. who would win a fight between Shakira and Beyonce?
  10. i never even noticed those stars were there 'til half a minute ago. on topic: one should never be afraid to embrace change.
  11. For the geographically challenged among us, that's in Michigan. http://www.detnews.com/article/20100328/METRO/3280313/1409/rss36
  12. going out to see 2 musician friends perform, and finding out that a 3rd was also on the bill.
  13. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/entertainment/article_212291975.shtml
  14. pfft - I dated a couple of girls who couldn't come up with half a brain between 'em.
  15. the Bridge at Remagen Blow Up Benji Baby Mama Breaking the Waves
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