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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. when I was looking for that one ^ I found this one:
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SADalx9JEFY&feature=related
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUzH-ZKXmxo an absolutely perfect song.
  4. you couldn't open one of those in America. Someone would take a dump in their seat within a week of the grand opening.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm1QXJrkiy8&feature=related
  6. thanks, everyone! next question: why do so many post-apocalyptic movies have a dance scene?
  7. the network nixed the ad. then again, the dating site just got millions in free publicity...and they didn't have to spend a couple of million on airtime.
  8. I would've said something along the lines of, "motherfucker, you're practically living on water and ramen and reading by candlelight - and you're talking about getting me a gift?! what the fuck's wrong with you? if you're going to piss away money, why don't you get something you actually fucking need? No wonder you're always fucking broke." just a lil' bit of that SOTG tough love.
  9. CBS is reviewing the ad. you can, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MQWFiIrBLA does CBS do the Super Bowl broadcast? if they don't, who does? I haven't watched it in years, other than the last 5 minutes of NY's victory over New England a couple of years ago.
  10. I feel that it's important that we all take a look at a rear view of that first ensemble:
  11. not even my luck's this bad! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35126059/ns/us_news-life/?GT1=43001 totally sux. RIP :(
  12. such beautiful clothes...but fuck, are they kidding with the prices?!
  13. no...just market research. Americans still think "smelly and dirty" when they hear the word diesel. Ford has a car called the EcoNetic that seats 5 (europeans...more like 3.4 Americans, lol) and gets 65 miles/gallon that they're not even thinking of selling over here because of that attitude. :(
  14. Open up the door, bitch! this is Woofuh Goofuh with the green teeth - let me in!
  15. "Phone Call From Leavenworth" - Chris Whitley
  16. Q: why did the redneck cross the road? A: His dick was stuck in the chicken!
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