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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. yep, it's a Hawaiian plate...this one's a Virginia plate:
  2. I've listened to this song at least 4 dozen times in the last two days:
  3. There's a start-up called The Unbound Box that's looking for content. Topics revolve around but are not limited to female sexuality. Seems to be a paying gig, you can contact sarahjayne@unboundbox.com Take a look around their site: http://www.unboundbox.com
  4. some cool short films at the link; some are already on the way to becoming full-length movies: http://io9.com/59765...e-feature-films
  5. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/evangelist-claims-god-gave-christians-diabetes-cure-says-they-wont-share-non
  6. new Ghost In The Shell series: http://io9.com/5976134/get-your-cyber+brain+jacks-ready-for-more-ghost-in-the-shell
  7. the Auto Show's almost here...this is the 60th Anniversary Corvette:
  8. new album March 12! http://www.davidbowie.com/the-next-day
  9. this cashier at a local grocery...kinda a 6-foot Latina Nigella Lawson, mmm :D
  10. video at link http://www.davidbowie.com/vision?videopremiere=true new album coming in March! :D
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