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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. I'm attaching a photo of a butterfly. Said butterfly's wings don't actually have any pigment; the color you see is produced by layers of clear proteins that refract the available light. Well...some company has figured out how to duplicate the effect, and is putting out iridescent clothing. I will be buying some. http://biodsign.wordpress.com/2009/02/04/m...-the-butterfly/
  2. that way the cops won't have to shut down 5 miles of a busy freeway to try and talk your ass down, you attention-seeking piece of shit. [/rant]
  3. at various times I had: Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars innocence Tascam cassette deck smaller waistline huge afro white Schwinn 10-speed bike a near-infinite amount of jaded bitterness brown pinstripe suit
  4. ^ +1 I'm disappointed that this thread wasn't about deformed/crazy ghosts.
  5. That sucks hard. Hopefully, something else will pop up quick.
  6. don't worry - you still have plenty of time to work on your aim.
  7. How about hitting those carnivals that sprout up in the parking lots of half-empty malls?
  8. Britney Spears Fishing should be self-explanatory, but if it isn't...Britney fishing sans hook and line. Stupid all over.
  9. a damp, dark night...the mist blows across the moors...
  10. I went and bumped some ancient thread right after posting that...but I'm fucked if I can remember which one, lol!
  11. I voted yes...wait a minute - you mean I'm not voting for a DGN brand petroleum jelly??? x 100
  12. Waaaaay off topic, but...were you at the Mastodon show on Friday night? If that wasn't you, then some chick's totally biting your style.
  13. dust bunnies are your decayed remains coming back to you from the future.
  14. I got home a little while ago and brought up the TV listings...and Outland was just ending. o_O
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