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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. Just a reminder: tickets on sale 10 AM tomorrow, March 2. #@!
  2. reading off the latest: A fun party is soon to be in your future 1, 15, 17, 21, 30, 32
  3. "Butterflies & hurricanes(live)" - Muse ...and my fave B.A.D. song has to be V-13 Schneider.
  4. look on the bright side - at least he didn't say 12.
  5. it's not the word "diet", it's the word "plan".
  6. like I'm gonna go in that kitchen and fuck those tamales up! the rice, too!
  7. If he really hated you, he'd see to it that you got married and divorced 20+ times like that woman in Sunday's Free Press. #@!
  8. 3 favorite goth albums that aren't goth albums: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy - Sarah McLachlan Human Being - Seal Bete Noire - Bryan Ferry
  9. I saw Bryan Ferry at Meadowbrook in '88; he opened with this song.
  10. just making sure it wasn't The Blue Nile or some place like that.
  11. diet plan = bullshit as far as I'm concerned. Burn off more than you take in. I'm actually grateful for all the snow we've had this winter, as it - in conjunction with my shovel- is taking the weight right off. I just have to make sure I keep busy when spring finally arrives.
  12. I can't type for shit, so I use as few words as possible. I was referring to her plans to lose 40 pounds between now and the wedding. TigerLily made the same point much more clearly.
  13. If you don't know anyone who can do last-minute alterations, you'd better buy it as close to the date as possible.
  14. I have that Goth Box vid collection around here somewhere...loads of cool videos on it! my selection: Suede - the Drowners
  15. If you have to use a blue use this one. I voted orange. Yellow, purple and red (in that order) are also acceptable.
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