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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. Lzzy Hale is soooo cute! ...one hell of a shriek, too.
  2. 1st TV network steampunk series on the way: http://io9.com/5935972/abc-is-developing-the-steampunk-adventures-of-tom-sawyer-and-huckleberry-finn-yes-really
  3. The Meijer's in Waterford at 1 AM on a school night is a great place to see little kids who will be spending significant time in the juvie in a few years. I FUCKING HATE SHOPPING AT MEIJER'S!!!!!!!!!!
  4. The Walking Dead returns October 14! http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/169185-the-walking-dead-season-3-will-be-broken-in-two :peanutbutterjellytime:
  5. a late July/early August storm thrashing the whole Arctic Ocean:
  6. try watching the trailer here: http://io9.com/5933572/first-crazy-trailer-for-the-red-dawn-remake
  7. saw the Red Dawn trailer over at io9, but it got yanked off of YouTube almost immediately. looks like about what you'd expect.
  8. wtf, people? don't y'all have anything better to do? mowing the lawn, doing laundry, clipping your fuckin' toenails?! how can you just fuckin' sit there on any day that's not Dream Cruise Day (and it's kinda stupid even then), sucking in car exhaust and getting dumber by the minute?
  9. maybe they were afraid you'd walk in on their meth operations.
  10. Well, the 2012 Olympics are about to begin, and one of the more interesting stories concerns South Afircan runner Oscar Pistorius and his carbon-fiber legs. http://io9.com/5928715/will-oscar-pistoriuss-prosthetic-legs-give-him-an-unfair-advantage-at-the-2012-olympic-games This, however, is only the beginning. True, we've had glasses and hearing aids for decades now, but technology is advancing faster and faster. A woman in the Netherlands received a titanium lower jawbone this spring - and it was manufactured on a 3-D printer. The bionic age may finally be at hand! Thoughts? ...for further viewing:
  11. Priest...the vampire movie, not the gay-priest movie. a truly glorious clusterfuck.
  12. WARNING: possible spoilers at link: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Walking-Dead-Season3-Spoilers-Mazzara-Lincoln-Callies-1050276.aspx
  13. I thought this topic was going to be about your medical problems.
  14. Emilie Autumn September 20, 2012 Crofoot Ballroom, Pontiac
  15. isn't torn asunder out there? think Onyx was/is, too...but she hasn't posted in ages.
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