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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. Gina and Dina Gershon and Meyer - breakfast of champions, yeah! jdfu!
  2. The World Without Us. It's about how fast nature would reclaim the planet if humanity vanished.
  3. Last few times I was at the Shelter, they were selling a few flavors of Towne Club...including the godly creme soda!:D Big ups to (RIP) Sam's Jams!
  4. "My Alcoholic Friends" - The Dresden Dolls
  5. I just remembered I'm cooking! Time to get off this sumbetch.
  6. "Runes To My Memory" - Amon Amarth Homicidalheathen: Fortress is on Sting's 1st solo album.
  7. Do you trust the DGN members who host the poetry open-mic on Sundays at Trixie's to collect a cash donation?
  8. Always? I can think of quite a few friends who were in relationships that I was ecstatic to see end. Myself: single a bit over a year and still loving it. jdfu!
  9. "This Woman's Work" by Kate Bush gets me every time. U2's "Stay (faraway, so close!)" would be the only other one that does it regularly...although I've ended up in tears a few times while singing one of my own songs. Oh - that happened once when I was singing "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys, too. jdfu!
  10. If this has already been suggested I apologize, but...multiple shoulder straps showing. W+T+F = ? Who dressed you?
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