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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. looks like Quikster got 86-stered: http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/678019/netflix_gets_the_message%2C_dumps_qwikster/#paragraph4
  2. uh, oh... http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/08/us-usa-drones-idUSTRE7966FQ20111008?feedType=RSS
  3. Godflesh update: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=164376
  4. still more loveliness from the seemingly bottomless well of DGN hottness:
  5. Guns and Roses wsg Buckcherry Thursday, Dec. 1 the Palace of Auburn Hills $86, $60, $49.50
  6. stem cells created from cloned human embryos: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44788564/ns/health-health_care/t/report-stem-cells-created-cloned-human-embryos/#.ToznkHJVXi4
  7. ...and Orion appearing in the sky.
  8. no, not my home. not even sure where they are. ...if I remember right, the family has just moved into that house, and they cut those shapes out of the boxes they'd packed everything into for the move. so it's really cheap to do, too!
  9. whether it's for holidays or whatever (Xmas lights on the porch all year round?)...things like this right now: ...that's all cut out of empty boxes! :D
  10. Next Monday could be truly insane - not only are the Lions hosting the Bears on Monday Night Football, but, if the Tigers and Rangers each win their 1st-round playoff series today, Game 3 of the American League Championship Series might be taking place at Comerica Park at the same time. ...anyone going bar-hopping in downtown next Monday?
  11. i would totally go see 'em live. and dance. :D
  12. 10 weird beers: http://www.delish.com/food/recalls-reviews/top-10-weirdest-beers?gt1=47061
  13. Mexico City is considering whether to issue them; you can re-up or walk away clean at the end of the 2 years. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/29/us-mexico-marriage-idUSTRE78S6TX20110929 I think it's a good idea myself.
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