some of you David Lynch fans may remember this band's brief appearance in his film Wild At Heart; they put out one brutal-as-fuck album in 1989 and just vanished after touring behind it. other than one Euro metal fest appearance in 2007, no one had heard jack shit from them...until now:
:jamin :jamin
full album will hopefully be out before year's end!
Michigan in the top 10:>1=31036
interesting fact I heard on NBC Nightly News as I started to type this: 15 years ago, only one state had more than 20% of its population considered obese; now there's only one state below 20%. That would be Colorado, btw.
I don't know if there's any trait I have to have anymore. even my longstanding affinity for tall ladies (well, 5'7" to 6'2" or thereabouts, to be specific) may be wavering a bit.
smoking still remains dealbreaker #1.
I support outright legalization, along with heavy taxation. also fair trade provisions for growers and farm workers, so the big corporate interests' desires for monopolies and slave labor tactics can be held off for at least a little while.
droppin' some Harry Partch on ya's:
he developed his own 43-note-per-octave scale/tuning (equal-temperament, which we all use, has 12/octave) and wrote some beautiful and haunting music using it. :D