he may have had some kind of medical episode before the wreck; a little more info here: http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/Macho-Man-Randy-Savage-dies-in-car-accident-052011/?GT1=39002
for sexual abuse committed by priests.
yep: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/18/us/18bishops.html?_r=3&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2&pagewanted=all
goddamn, am I glad I left the church in my dust.
the movie will be filming at that giant studio at Square Lk. and Opdyke beginning in July; you got a couple of weeks to get yourself together:
he's making a vampire flick...and it's partially set here. and Tilda Swinton's starring!
heads up if you're a parent who's thinking of taking your kids/letting them attend with friends: I haven't been able to confirm this as of yet, but there's lots of talk online that this event is going to be open only to those 16 years of age or older.