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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. This movie opens tomorrow in India, and it looks so #@!*ing awesome that I almost gave it its own thread! hopefully, Emagine Novi will have it sometime soon. :D
  2. the US spends as much on its military as the next 15 countries combined.
  3. preemie baby dies on day of her parents' funeral: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39301984/ns/world_news-asiapacific/?Gt1=43001 x 1,000,000
  4. umm, no it didn't. under current Senate rules, you need 60 votes to break a filibuster. the Democrats hold 57 seats (there are 2 independent Senators who usually vote with the Dems), so if the Republicans can hold a united 41-man front, they can block anything from coming to a full Senate vote.
  5. MGM's seemingly never-ending financial hell has gotten Red Dawn pushed back once again; now it's "sometime in 2011."
  6. awesome BMW "ad." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcR7U2tuNoY
  7. you say you can't do a pixie...so how about this cut? ...by the way, the band's called Elsiane. "Across the Stream" is the name of the song.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmvnVrMXzmw faking your own death
  9. as long as: a) we strip all corporations of their legal personhood, and b) go to 100% publicly financed elections on all levels - federal, state and local first, I'm down with this idea, at least a bit. Otherwise, it's not even worth considering. Come to think of it...nah, it wouldn't be worth it at all. It would give the states that have almost no one in them even more unwarranted power than they already have due to the Electoral College.
  10. September 29 at CAID admission $7 opening acts to be announced 5141 Rosa Parks Blvd., Detroit doors at 8 PM :D
  11. some makeup/prosthetic tips: http://www.hallopino.com/tag/how-to/
  12. the national news feed (at the top of the hour - CBS Radio?) picked it up, too - so people all over the USA are hearing about it now.
  13. so what's going on? can't believe Erebus isn't already running radio/TV ads yet...or are they? I know there's already a Theatre Bizarre thread; this is for other things
  14. Transformers 3 update: they're shooting at Cass & Michigan, which is a block south from the Leland. There's a giant robot and everything! :D hopefully, it'll still be there this weekend, so all y'all can go and take photos in front of it.
  15. finding out that none of the 8 guys you think could've fathered your baby actually did
  16. listening in on your neighbors' latest screamfest argument
  17. hearing two cats mating right outside your door
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