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Simon Bar Sinister

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Everything posted by Simon Bar Sinister

  1. all I can add is, "...and when you're at the show, put away your fucking phone for just one fucking song!!!" but then again, maybe he covers that in parts 3-4.
  2. he needs to hear every reason why it wouldn't work, so give him some.
  3. while "Chinatown", "Frantic" and "The Pianist" remain his masterpieces, even his bad films (like The Ninth Gate) are better than many directors' best. I still think he has at least one more masterpiece in him. bottom line: if he's not one of the ten all-time best directors, then he's near the top of the next ten.
  4. while each individual element is good (and the dress is great), together they're bordering on disastrous. :(
  5. it's a good idea...I'd go "invite only" for the first several months if I were you. Maybe sell annual memberships?
  6. we had a "Red Dawn remake" thread... and we heard about Whip It filming on phee's street... so now here's a thread about films being made in Detroit. like this one, featuring Christina Ricci: http://unitystudiosmichigan.com/2010/07/war-flowers-starring-christina-ricci-to-be-unity-studios-first-feature-film/ feel free to post info here! :D
  7. umm, yeah...you might wanna shrink that down to something less than drive-in movie size.
  8. your birthday present was delivered yesterday to the wrong side of the world...but the internet can help straighten out anything!
  9. besides the 21+ issue, perhaps the biggest problem with holding a DGN event at Resist is that it's on a weeknight.
  10. ^ very cute pic. ...now how the fuck did i miss this the 1st time around?!!
  11. cold turkey with honey dijon mustard Reuben sandwich: with Thousand Island dressing or without?
  12. the sea. if it were announced tomorrow that it was now not just possible but safe to upload your entire consciousness into an artificial body, how long would you wait before you did so?
  13. an awesome dance classic. :D u can listen, 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj7vSlvAiR0
  14. Brown Sugar Cinnamon, 'cause it tastes equally good cold. would you like to see the USA go to the metric system?
  15. the 808 kick drum makes the girlies git dumb If an entirely new government agency were created just for you to run, what should it be?
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